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Do you experience anxiety often?

Do you feel your muscles contract and jerk?

Do you frequently get unconscious and feel weak?

Then you are likely suffering from epilepsy!

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes brain activity to be out of wack. This can cause seizures, unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness. This condition is prevalent in cities like Guntur.

But relax!

No problem in this world exists without a solution!

There are effective solutions to treat the problem of epilepsy too!

Yes, you read it right! 

You can get the best treatment for epilepsy in Guntur! Dr. Rao’s Hospital is one of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur for epilepsy treatment, and it is the only hospital in India with FDA-approved critical care equipment. When you choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for treating epilepsy, you gain access to experienced neurosurgeons like Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, who specialize in providing comprehensive care. 

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla is the hospital’s Medical Director and is a well-known neurosurgeon in the state of Andhra Pradesh. He is one of the few neurosurgeons who has been trained in the United States. He is also a neuroscience expert and offers the best Epilepsy Treatment in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

Keep reading this article to learn how Dr. Rao can help you get rid of epilepsy at his neurology hospital in Guntur. In this article, Dr. Rao also tells you what you should do to stop seizures.

So, what are the treatment options used by Dr. Rao to treat the problem of epilepsy?

To treat epilepsy, medicines are usually the first treatment option used by Dr. Rao. There may be other treatment options if drugs don’t work.

Let us talk about each of these treatment options in detail.


Most patients having epilepsy can stop having seizures by taking just 1 anti-seizure drug or an anti-epileptic drug. Another group of people may find that having a combination of drugs lessens the intensity and frequency of their seizures.

Children having epilepsy who don’t show signs of epilepsy can gradually stop taking their drugs and lead an everyday life without having seizures. Adults who have been seizure-free for two or more years can discontinue their medicines. Dr. Rao will tell you when to discontinue your medicines.

Finding the right drug and dose can be challenging. When the neurosurgeon in Guntur decides which medicine to give you, he will look at your condition, your age, how often you have seizures, and other things. The neurosurgeon will go over any other medicines you’re taking to ensure they don’t interact with the anti-seizure drugs you’re taking.

Most likely, Dr. Rao would start you on one medicine at a low dose and gradually raise the dose until the seizures get managed.

People can buy about 20 different anti-seizure drugs on the market right now. When the doctor prescribes epilepsy medicine, they consider things like how often you have seizures and how old you are.

Dr. Rao advises taking the following steps to get effective results from medicines-

  • It is advisable to follow the directions on your prescription.
  • Always talk to your doctor before switching to a generic version of your medicine or taking other medications, herbal remedies, or over-the-counter drugs.
  • Do not discontinue your medicine without a doctor’s consultation.
  • You should call your doctor right away if you start having more thoughts of suicide or depression or experience mood swings.
  • Inform your doctor in case you experience migraines. This is important. Your doctor may prescribe Anti-epileptic drugs to treat epilepsy and stop migraines.

With the first dose of medication, at least 50% of people who have epilepsy will be seizure-free, says Dr. Mohana Rao. If anti-seizure meds don’t work, the neurosurgeon might recommend surgical or other treatments. Regular follow-up visits will be set up to monitor your medications and condition.


Surgery can be a good option when medicine doesn’t work to keep seizures in check, says Dr. Rao. Dr. Rao takes out the part of your brain that causes seizures during epilepsy surgery.

Often, surgery is done when tests reveal the following:

  • The source of your seizures is a well-defined, small region of your brain.
  • The operation site in your brain does not interfere with essential functions like language, speech, vision, hearing, or motor skills.

MRI-guided stereotactic laser ablation may be a promising treatment option for some types of epilepsy when open surgery is too risky. When the neurosurgeons at Dr. Rao’s Hospital do these procedures, they use a laser probe to cut the brain tissue that causes seizures. This helps them more effectively manage the seizures.


Stimulation of the vagus nerve:

This is how it works:

Dr. Rao puts a device known as a vagus nerve stimulator under the skin of your chest, like a heart pacemaker, in vagus nerve stimulation. The vagus nerve in your neck is attached to wires from the stimulator.

The battery-powered device sends bursts of electricity to your brain through the vagus nerve. There isn’t enough research to explain how this device stops seizures, but it can usually cut seizures in half.

Ketogenic diet:

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The ketogenic diet is a diet that is high in fat and low in carbs. For energy, the body breaks down fats and not carbohydrates when on a ketogenic diet. Some children with epilepsy have cut down on their seizures by following a strict low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.

Deep brain stimulation

Deep brain stimulation is when electrodes are implanted into a particular brain region, like the thalamus. This is called “deep brain stimulation.” There is a generator that is surgically put in your chest. The electrodes are connected to the generator by wires. The generator sends electrical pulses to your brain at the correct times, which may help to stop your seizures. This therapy is popularly used to treat seizures that don’t go away with medicine.

Responsive neurostimulation:

These pacemaker-like devices, which can be implanted, can help a lot to cut down on the number of seizures. These devices look at brain activity patterns to see if there are any seizures and help in the early detection of seizures. They then give an electric charge or medicine to end the seizure before it leads to any harm. Based on what we know from research, this therapy appears to have fewer risks and side effects and helps people stop having seizures for a long time.

Now, let’s talk about some measures that Dr. Rao suggests that can help to keep seizures under control.

What precautions can one take to help control seizures?

Some of the steps you can take to stop seizures are as follows:


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  • Good adherence to medicines
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Avoid drinking alcohol

Dr. Mohana Rao tells epilepsy patients with severe and uncontrolled seizures about the don’ts-

  • Don’t drive
  • Don’t go swimming alone.
  • Do not play high-impact sports.

So, now is the time to say goodbye to epilepsy by getting the best treatment for epilepsy at the best neurology hospital in Guntur, like Dr. Rao’s Hospital!

They can help you find the best ways to deal with your neurological problems. They have the most effective and best solutions to treat all of your neurological issues.

So, what are you thinking?

You are only a visit away from the solution to your epilepsy and other neurological problems!



Manisha has always been passionate about writing. She has written her poems, short stories, and articles since her school days. In her professional life, she has worked as a journalist since 2011. Her passion for writing led her to write her debut book, Unhappy Marriage, which gained her many accolades. She currently lives in India.
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