Wallets mean more than just storing your cash and cards. They are an essential part of your life and having a good wallet can be the difference between having a straightforward day or getting frustrated about leaving something at home.
When it comes to choosing a wallet, the best bet is to pick something that actually aligns with your personal style, but that’s not all, different wallets are made for different uses, so you should make sure you choose a suitable type of wallet as well. Then, once you have the type of wallet chosen, you also have to consider the material and budget. In my case, I always opt for a leather luxury wallet for men, but that’s because I prefer putting my budget towards something that lasts.
But when it comes to what you prefer, here are some of the most common wallet styles trending on the market right now:
The Classics: Bifold & Trifolds:
When you consider a wallet, these are the images that will come to mind. The bifold and trifold have been classics for generations now. One example is Louis Vuitton’s zipped monogrammed luxury wallets.
The bifold folds out into two sections, Is relatively slim and has two sections for cards, one section for cash and a folded section for cash and receipts. They come in many colours, and sizes, with or without zips and more bells and whistles.
The trifold is similar to the bifold, but with three sections instead of two. Some of the additional features include an ID window, extra card slots and more storage options. This is not as slim as a bifold.
The Slim Options: Card Wallets & Key Holders
Most men don’t actually need as much as they carry around in their wallets, at least not in the age of cash going out of style. When you’re ready to embrace minimalism, slim wallets exist in the form of card wallets and key holders. Honestly, every other luxury brand offers these, as they are a hot topic now.
The card wallet is something that does away with cash and coin storage and is designed for only cards. They are slim, minimal, and only have enough space for a few cards, your ID and some bills. They can fit in your pocket but are also easier to misplace. In this variety of wallets, you can also get an ID card wallet that just holds your ID and one card.
Recently, the key wallet has seen a resurgence, it’s a wallet that has 4-12 hooks on the inside for your keys with space for bills to hold cash and card slots put in. These are great if you really can’t stand the bulk of keyrings and are a slim way to bypass the wallet, phone, and keys check.
The Travel Choice: Passport & Travel Wallets
Going on a trip? Want to keep everything safe, sound and easy to find, these wallets are made just for you. My favourite travel wallet is from Bellroy, not luxury, but Australian, and that count.
The passport wallet is a small wallet made to carry just your wallet. Often RFID and e-scanning blockers, are a safe way to stop prying eyes from seeing which country you’re coming and going from.
The travel wallet is similar to a passport wallet but is a larger offering. The travel wallet carries not just your passport, but your boarding passes, a pen and often other travel documents you might need. It’s worth giving up the space for these in exchange for peace of mind.
Now what?
It’s time to start shopping around. Be on the lookout for luxury leather wallets with quality assurance and excellent cost per wear! Good luck and may you find a wallet to last you a lifetime!