Eczema is one of the most common skin concerns for many. Redness and itchy skin can cause many problems. Moderate to severe eczema can affect daily activities, even disrupt sleep. While there is still no cure for the underlying causes, the symptoms are treatable.

Lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications can treat eczema symptoms. However, light therapy has shown significant promise here. In this article, we will discuss eczema and discuss how light therapy can help with the issue. 

What is Eczema?

Eczema is an umbrella term for a variety of skin conditions that cause redness, inflammation, and itching of the skin. Often eczema is grouped with psoriasis as both of them pose similar symptoms. However, psoriasis is a complex autoimmune disease and is very different.

Around 30 million people in America are currently suffering from eczema. Researchers think that the body’s overactive immune system is responsible for eczema. It still has no definitive cure. Doctors address this condition by treating symptoms as they show up.

Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema will, in most cases, have the following symptoms:

  • Dry skin
  • Crusting skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Skin bumps
  • Red rashes
  • Scaly skin patches
  • Swelling

Some additional conditions can appear alongside eczema. The conditions are:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Sleep loss
  • Anxiety

People diagnosed with asthma or hay fever have a high risk of developing eczema. African American ethnicity and being female biologically also increases the risk of getting eczema. Often eczema runs in families as well. (Source: Cleveland Clinic)

Problems with Eczema Treatment

Various ointments, creams, and over-the-counter medications can help in treating eczema symptoms. Some medicine may need to be administered through injection. However, no treatment option is 100% effective and can completely get rid of eczema. 

Eczema treatment can vary from person to person depending on severity. Some may need a combination of multiple treatments. In a nutshell, no eczema cure fits everyone.

People who have eczema spread across a large part of their body may need to apply a lot more cream. Some may be unwilling to take medications because of side effects or needles. Also, some medicines are not suitable to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, alternate treatments for regular use are very crucial.

Light therapy has shown tremendous promise in this manner. It is entirely natural and has few side effects. 

How Light Therapy Can Help Treating Eczema

Two kinds of light are used for treating eczema, ultraviolet light and red light therapy. Let’s discuss them.

UV Light Therapy for Treating Eczema

Ultraviolet light works as a natural antibiotic for the skin. It kills the virus and bacteria and prevents skin problems. Additionally, UV rays neutralize the overactive skin immune system by reducing white blood cells. It reduces inflammation in the skin. 

Although UV light therapy can treat eczema symptoms, however, it can also cause other skin problems. Ultraviolet rays kill skin cells and bring aging signs to the skin. In severe cases, UV light therapy causes skin cancer. Also, it is not safe to administer UV light without proper supervision.

Red Light Therapy for Treating Eczema

Red light therapy devices can considerably treat eczema symptoms a lot better. Research has shown that 2 minutes of red light therapy once a week has improved eczema symptoms, including flaking skin, gooseflesh-like bumps, pimples, skin reddening, and swelling. 

Red light has the highest wavelength among visible lights. Therefore, it can penetrate higher into the skin. When red light falls on skin cells, they store energy from the light and increase ATP production. These energized cells function better while also inducing healing regeneration. 

Moreover, red light therapy eases atopic dermatitis by increasing the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients around the body. Therefore, the body can remove toxic substances effectively and simulates DNA/RNA synthesis.

The overall process treats symptoms of eczema and ensures better skin conditions.

Red light therapy poses no side effects virtually. However, light-sensitive skin can experience temporary redness due to light therapy. A person can have genetically light-sensitive skin or develop it through a side effect of some medication. 

Red light therapy is safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it is wise to consult the doctor before using this therapy. Any person of any age can have red light therapy for treating eczema symptoms.

Final Words

Eczema has made many people’s lives miserable. It causes inflammation and skin breakouts while triggering other health conditions. Although there is still no definitive cure for this problem, conventional treatments can help you keep the symptoms manageable.

Red light therapy has proved to be effective against eczema symptoms. This therapy starts healing from a cellular level and spreads the healing effects all over the skin.

Light therapy can be the best treatment method if anyone with an eczema condition cannot have eczema medication. Light therapy is safer, natural, and can show significant results within a short time. So, make sure to give this therapy a try.



Manisha has always been passionate about writing. She has written her poems, short stories, and articles since her school days. In her professional life, she has worked as a journalist since 2011. Her passion for writing led her to write her debut book, Unhappy Marriage, which gained her many accolades. She currently lives in India.
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