The upcoming episode of The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers aired on January 11 shows the rise in the tensions when John, “Finn” to an extremely bold step while pushing Steffy Forester to delve into the most unsettling question around the death of Emma Barber. The growing conviction of Finn around the death of Thomas Forester with the potential of involvement in the incident is compelling him to promote Steffy for seeking the truth from the brother.

Despite reservations and all the concerns of Steffy about Thomas being triggered, there has been insistence from the side of the Fin in confrontation to unravel the events that have caused the car accident of Emma. The finish also believes that Thomas was not forthright with Steffy, and thinks that he was pressurizing him to confess and this provides a clear picture of what exactly happened. Steffy was already worried for Thomas while looking for the answers and eventually approached him to have a challenging conversation.

As and when the week progresses, there can be anticipation from the side of  Thomas, that he will reveal the version of events from his side. As and when Finn will be dealing with the complexity of the relationship with Steffy, a disturbance will be sensed by Li Finnegan. Whether Finn will be opening up about all the issues or not Li will be cautioning about the actions that can put his marriage at stake.



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