We all want to be hair free and should be able to slip on that summer dress without setting aside another 15-20 minutes for shaving. What if we told you that you no longer have to worry about the pesky unwanted hair?
The good news is that it is now possible to get a permanent solution to the body hair problem, that too from the comforts of your home. Permanent IPL Hair Removal at Home has taken care of that. However, before you jump on to that bandwagon, you must read this article to know everything there is to know about the process so that you can make an informed choice.
Consistency is the key
Many women falsely believe that you would have to use the device just one time and you will get rid of your body hair. While it is true to an extent, but you would need at least a few sessions to fully remove all the hair. Since your hair follicles have their individual growth cycles, you will have to repeat the hair removal exercise at least once every four weeks to get the best results. Over a period of time, you will notice that your hair growth is significantly less. But the hair must be removed consistently for the device to do its magic.
Permanent results are visible after 3 months
It is very important to know your device before you start using it. While at-home hair removal IPL devices are incredibly successful in giving you desired results, you may have to wait for at least 3 months to get permanent results. Don’t get impatient or disappointed if you don’t see much difference after your first sitting. Within one month, you will notice that a lot of your hair didn’t grow back and that your legs feel a lot smoother. Besides, you will also notice that you can now much longer without shaving your legs or underarms. Over a period of time, the results only get better!
Understand how it works
As magical as your device seems, the hair removal process is actually scientific. What is really happening here is that when you use the machine, the laser light pulses convert to heat which stimulates your hair follicle and forces it to go into a resting phase. As a result, the hair falls out root and stem and the regrowth is slowed down significantly. After a few uses, the results become permanent.
Darker hair follicles are easiest to treat
You may not know this but different skin and hair types respond differently to the device. Darker hair follicles are easy to treat because of the hair pigment. However, colors like red, blond, and grey are slightly trickier. However, your device comes with suitable settings to treat different skin and hair types.
Do it in autumn or winter
When you start the hair removal process, you have to make sure that you are free of tan, be it natural or fake. The device works best when the contrast between your light skin and dark hair is the highest.
You may experience some pain
While this doesn’t happen with everyone, there are some who may describe their interaction with the device as painful or warm. People with thicker hair may also experience sensations similar to a rubber band snapping, but it is nothing too painful.
Avoid waxing or plucking after the treatment
If you want to remove hair in between IPL sessions, then it is advisable to shave. Avoid waxing or plucking as it can impede the IPL process and make it less effective.
Always wear sunscreen after the treatment
This is extremely crucial. Never forget to slather yourself with high SPF sunscreen, especially in the treated area as it will be sensitive. So take extra precautions with sun protection and wear clothes that cover your treated skin. It is important to avoid sun exposure after the hair removal process.
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Avoid deodorants and hot showers for the first 24 hours
Since your skin is incredibly sensitive after the treatment, you must avoid applying deodorants for at least the first 24 hours after the treatment. You must also avoid taking a hot shower for the same reason.
Choose the right device
There are a lot of at-home IPL options in the market. However, you should choose your device carefully after thorough research. Make sure that the product is a trusted brand and safe to use.
Be patient through the process as it would take a few uses before you can notice a reduced amount of body hair. If you stick with the process consistent, your hair will be gone eventually. So, educate yourself about the device before you bring home an IPL hair removal device.