There is a new beauty product released every other day, which makes it a tremendously exciting industry. Although there are many options available to us, are all the components used in these potions safe? Not really sure. Just for this reason, it is preferable to use natural components to create your favourite products, such as face scrubs or packs.
Green tea is one of these all-natural ingredients. You did hear correctly. Drink it, but also apply green tea to your skin! Try to include it in your skincare routine for clear, radiant skin.
There is no doubting that green tea is a nutritious beverage, but it can also work miracles for the skin! Ever given it a shot? If not, we have 6 fantastic ways for you to use green tea for skin care.
The following is a list of green tea’s advantages for skin care:
1. Antioxidants included in green tea aid to support healthy skin.
2. Because it includes the polyphenolic chemical EGCG, it can prevent skin infections (epigallocatechin-3-gallate).
3. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, it can repair UV damage.
4. Green tea is also recognised for its ability to moisturise skin.
5. In addition, green tea helps lessen the visibility of wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines.
6. It has strong antibacterial properties that can be used to treat acne and unclog pores.
7. Green tea contains polyphenols that break down bacterial membranes and prevent illness.
8. Green tea is loaded with vitamin B2 and vitamin E, all of which are vital for healthy skin.
How to apply green tea to the skin
Having a green tea skin care routine is one of the best things you can do for your skin. This is because it includes EGCG, a substance that protects against pollution, UV damage, and toxins, green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. Here are a few must have green tea products which you should definitely check out.
1. As a Face wash
Chemical-based cleansers and face wash are widely available, although not all types of skin may respond well to them. You can switch to a green tea based cleanser because of this.
The best one is the Green Tea HydraDetox Clarifying Face Wash. You can use it on your face to acquire clear, smooth skin because it is all-natural and packed with potent antioxidants. It has all natural ingredients such as green tea, aloe vera and cucumber which make it safe for all skin types and also helps increase the effect it has on the skin.
]This green tea hydradetox clarifying face wash is one of the must have green tea products, as this face wash can help renergise your skin after a long day and the best part is that it does not have any side effects which is the major problem people face with different types of face washes.
2. As a Face mist
People often face this problem after applying face wash is that it has cleared their pores, but it has also dried their face up. This is the concern most people who use chemical based skincare products face. With the help of a green tea skin care routine one can easily eliminate these problems. Among the various must have green tea products by lotus botanicals is this Natural green tea hydradetox refreshing face mist.
This is one of a kind face mist as it is made of 100% natural ingredients, such as green tea, aloe vera and witch hazel. It hydrates your skin and if you apply this after the face wash, you’ll see that the skin starts glowing because of the natural ingredients it has which hydrate and soothe the skin.
3. As a face serum
Many people who do not follow a green tea skincare routine complain about having spots and black heads. Well they won’t have these problems if they use these must have green tea products.
Among those products is Natural Green tea hydra detox moisture replenishing face serum. It is one of the best face serum that one can use. This is because of the various qualities it contains in itself. It is made up of Witch Hazel, Chamomile, green tea and cucumber which makes it a natural face serum which can easily help the skin regain its natural texture easily.
It also helps the skin by reducing dark circles and blackheads and pigmentation spots as well if any. This face serum should be applied to the face every night before sleeping to soothe the face and to also give the face serum some time to settle on the skin.
4. As a Day Cream
One of the most important aspects of any skincare routine is applying cream to it. This is because it helps to even out the face and also supplies the essentials to the skin. One can easily use the hydradetox glow boosting day creme SPF 20 which will keep them protected against the harmful rays of the sun. It will help the skin to even out and not tan as you go out in the sun.
Bottom Line
There are various types of skincare and beauty products available in the market. However, not all are good for the skin, also not all are suitable for all skin types. This makes it really difficult to choose the correct one. Hence, it is important to be cautious about what you buy for your skin. The best way to avoid all such problems is by using natural made skincare products.
These products help as they do not have any chemicals in it, which make them safe all all skin types. Having a green tea skin care routine always helps as it is the easiest way to cleanse the skin and hydrate it as well. One can surely give the above mentioned ways to incorporate green tea in their skincare routine a try.